The association of beauty pageant and fashion exhibitors of Nigeria ABPFEON held it's national elections on Sunday 3rd April in Abuja with OLUFUNSHO Alexander AJAGBONA emerging as it's president beating his opponent with a total vote of 175 to 5 votes.

The election brought the beauty pageant industry to it's first convention after seven years of it's creation with hon Ejiro as it's first president. 

The industry of beauty pageant is said 5o be the biggest and most influential in regards to contributing towards the reformation of youths in Nigeria over the years but because it's leadership doesn't promote the benefits of it's products alot of persons do not see it as a source of creating values in the society.

This pagenat industry have done alot in proving employment for youths in Nigeria without support from the government over the years and have been one of the industry that have kept and given Nigeria a good name across the world. 

Alot of people pass have passed through the industry to become great Personalities in Nigeria and across the world but do not celebrate the fact that the industry gave them the platform to showcase their talents as the industry practitioners.

Abuja was shut down as pageant organizers traveled from all over the six Geo political zones of Nigeria to attend the election which came out very good and accepted by everyone present. 

The election was hosted with the opportunity to given to the members to vote live at the convention and also vote online a special platform created for the convention voting and everything was managed professionally with election observers sent by INEC in Abuja to help coordinate and observe the processes.

After votes were cast and counted OLUFUNSHO Alexander AJAGBONA was declared winner and he made a speech to kick off an Administration that the association members expected from a personality like him as their president.

Thank you all for the election. I promise you, as president I will do my very best to listen and ensure transparency. 

I want to thank the BOT for ensuring a democratic process of transferring leadership to a new executive, and also the Electoral college for delivering a free, fair and transparent conduct of the elections.

For a long time, ABPFEON has experienced some difficulties and challenges in leadership. It has been an issue of who is? What is? and where is? But from this moment we now have a clearer answer to our questions of who, where, and how. I promise it will only get clearer day by day as we will not regret our decisions made today. 

I believe in team work, so I call on the new executives and the entire pageant CEOs to let us come together and find a lasting solution to the giant situations facing our businesses as pageant Organizers.

"ABPFEON was established to promote, project and propagate the values of the industry so that practitioners can have a better life in their chosen profession, as the case maybe."

Our Focus:

๐Ÿ“Œ Unity and corporations amongst members (Pageant Organizers)

As we would begin a national tour and consultation of industry stake holders, our first task is to foster unity amongst organizers, have a reconciliation drive and enable the association to be on sound footing by renting a functional secretariat in Abuja and encourage all states to do the same.

๐Ÿ“ŒGovernment recognition and protection of our industry:

We would work within our reach and by the help of God to attract the government and powers that be to ensure our industry is recognized and protected by the government and its agencies.

๐Ÿ“Œ Lack of sponsorship and corporate brand affiliations.

We already have in place the machinery to sign contracts with most multinationals, mobilize individual support to provide monetary assistance, electronics, cars and other valuables for our members. 

These would to an extent reduce the burden of fulfilling our promises to our Queens.

๐Ÿ“Œ Lack of corporations between pageant CEOs and their Queens. 

We would bring class and standard into the industry, where the organizers would be feared and respected by their beneficiaries (Queens).

We would be treated as queen makers and nothing less.

๐Ÿ“Œ Members protection: 

You will no longer stand alone as an organizer, but as a body connected to bodies that will always fight together in Unity.

I want to welcome you all to the new CHAPTER AGENDA.

I, the Excos and my team can not achieve these alone without your cooperation and support. Charity begins at home! The change we all desire in the entire industry should begin with our various brands. Let's change our approach and do things right. The show continues and the business mood is activated.

ABPFEON for greatness and the greatness we shall achieve. 

Thank you.

God bless ABPFEON, God bless Nigeria.

King Fajag
